Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Google Wave

I read this article about the google wave and it sounds really interesting. From what I understand is that it puts a bunch of apps together, like chat, email and blogging. I think that sending pictures would be an aspect of wave that I would use alot. I'm not sure if wave is only limited to google user names which would be a downfall to the whole thing. You can link other wave accounts together which I think is a cool aspect and instantly up date everything, which is nice. The article says that it could be the next facebook or twitter. Right now only specific people are invited to give wave a test run but I'm excited to try it out


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nielsen and Facebook

I read an article called "Facebook, Nielsen Partner to Measure Marketing Effectiveness". It was pretty short but talk about how Facebook and Nielsen are coming together to allow for polls on the facebook homepage. This made me think more about how so many people are keeping tract of the what we do on the Internet and our everyday lives, most of the time without even us knowing. This makes me think about how Nielsen is going to use the access that it had with people accounts. If they will be able to look into people accounts and see what people are talking about and doing. This applies to how we present ourselves online and if Nielsen will be able to use information that they get. It says that facebook allows Secret Deodorant on homepages and their sales increase and allow them to hit their target audience. I don't think I like this idea now that I started to think about it and people trying to adversited to me without me noticing it.

This is the link to the article:,-nielsen-partner-measure-marketing-effectiveness

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Link to my TA

This is a link to Zeynep

Frist Post...

This is the beginning of my blog for my com class